
SYWAC had its first year of operations in 2005-06 and it was full of challenges and struggles, not only of our beneficiaries who we tried to give a helping hand, but also for ourselves in trying to organize our systems and working. However, we were able to start several programs on education, health and general welfare.

SYWAC reached out to the rural women and launched the empowerment programs for rural women in the areas around Delhi (West). Along with this main focus, several programs on education, health and sanitation were also taken in the community.

Research Interventions

SYWAC was awarded the contract for preparing an ECCE manual under UNESCO project. The project was to encourage and support stakeholders to develop and sustain child-friendly and stimulation ECCE programs especially for disadvantaged children.

Community Interventions

The following projects have been taken up by SYWAC:

Women Empowerment (WE) Project


The project aimed at economic emancipation of the poor women and their improved status by inculcating appropriate entrepreneurial skills, credit management towards dealing with the prevailing gender issues. It was also meant to strengthen women’s role in the family and in local governance by sensitizing them and their counterparts.

Under this project, SYWAC took up awareness generation of women in day-to-day issues leading to their overall empowerment. The various trainings conducted for SHG women are leadership training, women’s rights, savings promotion, lending and credit management and cluster promotion. These trainings are given to increase the leadership quality.

Day Crèche

We started a novel idea of running a crèche with volunteer help from the housewives. With the help of women and housewives living in the urban sectors nearby, we run our crèche services for the women who work as daily wagers. Each month one housewife volunteers to take care of 20 children. The children are taught ‘Reading and Writing through playing, dancing and singing’.

NFE Centre


SYWAC enrolled 25 children from the poorest households to educate them in the non-formal education centre started in Bishanpura. We provide the children with Nutritious food, shelter and education. There are two care takers and two wardens to take care of the children. Health services are rendered to these children. A medical officer makes periodical visit to the centre. They will be mainstreamed and admitted to regular schools next year.

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